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Ken Davis photo1 Ken Davis photo 2
Ken Davis
Athens, Georgia

• Raised in Tampa … fish have been a part of his home life for the past 52 years
• Has maintained variety of cichlids from Africa, Central and South America and many wild type and fancy livebearers and discus.
• A breeder of more than a 100 species
• Employed at a major university in Georgia, maintained his own hatchery and 2 retail pet stores
• President of the Atlanta Area Aquarium Association (AAAA) from 1998 to 2010. Over the years has held BOD positons on the ACA, the ALA and North American Discus Association
• He has visited the Asian Fish farms as well as 5 collecting trips to Honduras and 15 trips to Uruguay in the last 8 years
• His presentation topic will be “Collecting in Uruguay”

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